Lights, Camera, Action!
Are you ready? Prom season is now just right around the corner. Lights, Camera, Action - it will be here. We are all excited and ready for this special time.
SSPN Commercial Shoot - Mount Tabor High School
This past week we really experienced "Lights, Camera, Action" with a group of students at Mt. Tabor High School. Mt. Tabor had the highest percentage of students take the Safe Sober Prom Night "Do It Right!" pledge out of all the all local high schools. In doing so they won the opportunity to participate in this year’s Public Service Announcement TV promotional advertisement.
The Mt. Tabor students have great leadership with Principal Wiess, and faculty leaders Ms. Bailey. Ms. Bailey is the only faculty leader who has been in place all 21 years of SSPN. They helped coordinate the students for this extra-curricular activity, which really turned out to be a great experience.
With the help of WXII TV we were able to turn the auditorium at the high school into a temporary studio in order to shoot the spot. In the process, Griff Shuler and I were able to give the students a bit of a lesson in actual production, as well as having a good bit of fun with them.
Our Daggett Shuler team is always impressed with our local students. These students at Mt. Tabor were top notch in all respects. We enjoyed the afternoon we spent with them, had a lot of fun, and are excited about their futures.
This year’s SSPN ad should hit the airways in the next week or so. It will also be posted at Also at the website students will be able to take the virtual pledge, contact friends, get prom tips, and keep up with all of the SSPN activities. Also, please support our students on the SSPN Facebook page.
Please join us in encouraging our students - they are off to a great start!