Thursday, August 26, 2010

Child Safety

Child Safety

       Please help us keep our children safe. I was running earlier this week at lunch and came across three kids playing in the street - one riding a bike, one on a skateboard, and one on rollerblades. I’d say they were 10 - 12 years old or so. None of the three had helmets or any other visible safety attire, and they were in the street!

        Here is a photo with proper safety equipment. Maybe just add sunglasses to protect the eyes and she is set!

         Two of the bigger areas of safety concerns we see regarding children are the proper use of car seats, and the wearing of helmets. Moreover, they are both the law!

         First, regarding car seats. North Carolina law requires children to use child safety seats until the child is 8 years old, or weighs 80 pounds. The attorneys in our firm confirm that they simply don’t see serious child injuries, barring of course physical contact or penetration by an other object, even in serious accidents if a child is properly secured in a car seat.

         National statistics confirm that children are more than twice as likely to be serious injured or killed if they are not properly restrained in car seats. Specific emphasis is placed on making sure the safety seats are properly installed. In North Carolina your local law enforcement, Highway patrol office, and fire departments can direct you to a local approved “Checking Station” to help you confirm proper installation.

        Bicycle helmets are required for every person under 16 on public roads, areas, or paths in North Carolina. The helmet must be a proper and approved bicycle helmet. Local bicycle shops will gladly educate you on the safety certification stickers inside all quality bicycle helmets.

        A very high percentage of serious injuries and death from bicycle wrecks are due to traumatic brain injuries. Some estimates are as high as two-thirds all deaths are due to head injuries. Further, estimates range anywhere from 50% to 75+% of all serious traumatic brain injuries from bicycle accidents would have been preventable with a proper helmet.

         Back to my little friends on the street - please let’s help keep them safe by giving them our support and encouragement.

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